In Response to Challenge Local Dom Chooses to “Go Home”



During a pre-scene negotiation, Master Irwin Jones, 44, found himself questioning his desire to play with LilPrincessKat, 22.  When Jones described his interest in doing an elaborate spanking scene, utilizing some two dozen different implements, ranging from something as light as a feather duster and as heavy as a 2 x 4 plank, the submissive said “Go Big or Go Home.”

The dominant man took her at her word, literally.

“I wasn’t sure what she meant by big.  So I left,” said Jones.  “No one likes that kind of confrontation.  She really got into my head.  I mean, how big is big?  How exactly do I go there?  That is a lot of pressure.”

The abandoned submissive was confused.  “It’s just, like, a saying.  I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Master Irwin, for his part, told The Daily Flogger, “I ended up having a nice night.  A glass of wine, a little light reading and then I went to bed early.”

Photo credit: mason bryant CC: SA

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