DomCo Announces “Points of Privilege” Dungeon Tool


Geneva, Alabama

DomCo has produced the first rating system to systematically evaluate privilege and assign a score to help assign benefits and equity to disadvantaged club, organization, and dungeon members.

“It works like golf,” said Chad Crenshaw, the 32 year old designer of the program, “low score wins!  In fact, we came up with the idea during a round of golf.  Nothing like a nice clear back 9 to inspire good, clear thinking.”

The systems uses several well known and vetted psychometric and demographic tests to assign an objective score of a person’s privilege.  Using that score, organizations can use the metric to better serve their memberships.

Possible uses:

  • Who gets to cut in line and who doesn’t
  • Variable pricing for events
  • Determining who wins arguments
  • Assessing whose privilege needs to be “checked” to what degree and for how long
  • Who is allowed to be “outraged” and about which issues
  • Self-righteous indignation
  • Providing a basis for telling others how to live their lives and what they may and may not think

Subscriptions are annual and are available for $199 a year.  Privilege may be re-evaluated every six months, based on change of employment, sexual experimentation, gender exploration, and public display of political slogans.

The program is already having an effect, with several dungeons displaying “Your Privilege Must Be This Low To Enter This Party” signs.

Jesper “Da Man” Trince, a 32 year old CIS Dom said he has had to make some changes but was happy to do so.  “Even though I am straight and white, I got a nice drop in points just for making out with a Black dude.  That and a BLM t-shirt is all it took to get me into some of the better parties.  I’m looking into other ways to shed some of my privilege.  Mid 30s is really the best a guy like me can hope for, but that should be good enough.”

Trisha Killian, a 47 year old switch says they really like the system.  “I am in the single digits.  That’s real power.  It is about time.  With a number like mine, people have to listen to me now.”

The system is not without its critics.  Mistress Trina Lock, who has been active in the leather scene for more than four decades dismissed the new system as a fad.

Lock’s objections were raised in a piece she published online titled “What the Actual Fuck?” in which she detailed the struggles of the leather community for openness, recognition, and dignity.  “Reducing everything to a number erases the work and sacrifices of thousands of people over decades.”

Even with an extensive list of criticisms, Lock remains hopeful about the future.

“This too shall pass,” she said.  “It’s a bad idea and isn’t going to end well.”

Killian was unimpressed by Lock’s criticisms.  “She probably has a really high number.  I am just glad we don’t have to listen to people like that anymore.”



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