New Conference Announced “LeatherFest XIX: Narcisistic Supply”


The United Leather Coalition announced the theme of this year’s LeatherFest conference, “Narcissistic Supply.” According to Frazier McNeal, one of the conference organizers, the conference will address a key question at the heart of leather culture, “How can I get more attention and why isn’t everyone paying attention to me?”

Classes, which will be taught by every single attendee, will include:

  • “Just call it service: Using the ‘community’ to feel good about yourself.”
  • “Saying Goodbye:  How to avoid people who have become useless to you.”
  • “It’s not ‘Ego’ when you are actually awesome:  Feeling good about feeling good.”
  • “Valuing Others:  25 ways people can be useful to you.”
  • “Compromising your values to get what you want.”
  • “Short Memories and Bad Behavior: Taking advantage of how quickly people forget”
  • “Look At Me!” (Back to back day long workshops)


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