Failure to Read Fine Print Results in Leather Title



At this year’s Michigan Leather Fest, Master Greg Kronch, 32, and slave mindy, 28, got something of a shock, finding themselves awarded the title of Michigan Leather Master and slave.

“It was quite the shock,” said Kronch, “because we didn’t enter or even compete for the title.”

According to the conference’s “fine print” anyone and everyone who attends the conference is eligible for the title.  The change was made last year to counter the problem that the leather title has had no contestants for the past three years.

“We decided to make the whole conference the contest and have everyone enter when they registered,” said Master Tim, the event organizer.  “It is a pain in the ass to get contestants, so we just said fuck it, everyone is a contestant.”

Kronch and slave mindy have mixed feelings about the title.  “It commits us to educational events and running for Master/slave of the Midwest, which is a lot of work.  It is an honor and we are flattered, but not sure we want to take on that kind of responsibility.”

For Master Tim, it is a closed question.  “They committed when they signed the paperwork for the conference.  It is a legal document, we had lawyers create the contract; it is ironclad.”

How they were selected remains a mystery, but insiders have told The Daily Flogger that it was a lottery system.  “The first two couples we picked we didn’t like, personally,” said an unnamed insider, “so we kept picking until we got someone good.”

“Well, I like the patches,” said slave mindy.  “I think we will be great representatives of the lifestyle.”

Photo credit: Hamish Irvine CC: NC

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