Woman Turns to Heroin to Battle Con-Drop



Svetlana Groop, 26, has found that “a little smack” after an intense conference experience tends to “take the edge off” and ease the feelings of separation and depression that often follow a fun and happy conference experience.

“Once I get on the plane and head home, I know I am going to crash hard. I usually turn to heroin for about a week and get completely trashed until the feelings pass,” says Groop.

When asked about addiction, she describes a process of methadone and diet that eases her off the highly addictive drug and back to productivity.

“Once I ended up in rehab, but that was just to shut people up at the intervention,” Groop explained. “They didn’t get it, because they aren’t BDSM or conference people.”

Photo credit: Dimitris Kalogeropoylos CC: SA

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