Stuck Shift Key Changes Dynamic; EU Flummoxed


THE HAGUE, Netherlands: A malfunctioning shift key on a Mac Book Pro in the home office of electronic newsletter editor Albert Aarnt resulted in a major misunderstanding of protocol throughout the EU Tuesday.

Aarnt writes and edits for his own bondage/discipline/sadomasochism/masochism (BDSM) newsletter distributed internationally over the internet. Protocol demands that the dominant be capitalized while the submissive be presented in lower case. A fragment of sticky, salty black licorice into the Apple product change the outcome of an entire article on Dominant/submissive (D/s) protocol.

[TRANSLATED] “the dominant male must always correct his submissive in the way he deems necessary. She must take his punishment as a means of learning.”

The lack of a capitalization of the word “Dominant” has left readers confused.

Many readers of Misdaden en Straf (Crimes and Punishment) were utterly flummoxed. Domestic discipline fan Ian Chase of Manchester, UK said, “I had no idea what he was trying to say. At first, I thought it was some sort of joke—like wry British satire—but the more I read the more confused I became.” Alain Treff of Paris, France was also confused. “I didn’t know what was going on. Was he making some sort of political statement? Was he trying to suggest some sort of protocol change? We discussed this at our cachot and everyone had the same reaction.  Without the capitalization, we were lost.”

“I never meant to create such chaos,” said Aarnt. “I only wanted to write a flame about this dick from Utrecht.”

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