Outraged Kinkster Quits Facebook Again



Ian Smith, a 42 year old male submissive has vowed to quit Facebook for the fourth time.  According to Smith, “this time he really means it.”

After several incidents of “intolerance and having to read endless crap from people who don’t know what they are talking about,” Smith has decided to cease using the world’s most popular social network.

Mistress Kyra Kruel believes she knows the real reason for Smith’s abrupt departure.

“He’s always sending me instant messages.  I tried ignoring him, but that didn’t work.  I blocked him, as has most of the other women I know,” the dominatrix reports.  “He is a pest and everyone rejects him.”

Smith says the allegations are untrue and that “Kyra Kruel isn’t a real dominatrix anyway.”

A number of other professional BDSM enthusiasts confirmed Kyra Kruel’s comments, adding “Unfortunately, he’ll be back.  He always comes back.”

Photo credit: Dave Rutt CC: NC SA

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