New Study: BDSM Switches Are “Untrustworthy”



Tammy Urquez, 26, has described herself as a switch since she started playing in the BDSM scene three years ago.

“It is a tough way to live,” she told The Daily Flogger “but it is also very liberating. You aren’t tied down to one perspective or point of view. It is just who I am.”

Living and playing as a switch isn’t always a positive experience, says long time BDSM researcher Dr. Tavin Newsome, professor of sexology at Toronto University.

“They are plagued by feelings of always being on the wrong side of the equation. They tend to become unstable and vindictive. It is why people don’t trust them or want to play with them.”

Newsome’s research, which has focused almost exclusively on his former partner, Natalie Downs, a 34 year old switch, has revealed, among other things that “switches will lie and betray you by sleeping with your best friend” and have a tendency to “steal money from you and take the TV that you bought claiming it was a gift to them when it really never was.”

Downs, who was in a 7 year relationship with Newsome, refused to comment on the study, but did want to clarify that “the TV was definitely a gift” and that “Newsome has a tiny penis.”

Photo credit: Dav Yaginuma CC: NC SA

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