New Bookstore Opens; Only Sells “50 Shades”



On the heels of the books enormous success and following the media frenzy regarding the 2015 release of the 50 Shades of Grey movie, The Readers Nook, Talpa, Alabama’s last independent bookstore has announced it will now only sell E.L. James’ novels from the 50 Shades of Grey series.

“It is a new business model,” says Kevin Moork, owner of the shop, “but we have the book in every release, from hardbound leather to boxed paperback sets.  It is enormously popular and we are counting on even more sales once the movie hits.”

The books store also has a “theme area” where customers are subjected to an abusive upbringing at the entrance, but gradually healed as they engage in activities such as bondage, flogging, spanking, and non-consensual bullying of innocent young women.

“We want to give men the full ‘Christian Grey’ as we call it,” said Moork.  “The audience for the book so far has been women.  We think there are another 100 million men out there who need these books as well.”

Tim Groot, 19, experienced the walk-through and found it enlightening.  “I liked the spanking the most.  But I don’t think I want to buy the books.  If I am honest, I don’t really care about reading that much and the movie looks stupid.  But spanking college girls is something I can definitely get into.”

Book retailers across the country are watching Moork’s experiment and many are likely to follow suit, should it prove successful.

“I dream of a world where every book is 50 Shades,” Moork told The Daily Flogger.

Photo credit: m01229

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