Man Starts Training for “BDSM Conference Season”



Master Sven Moorks, 32, says he is gearing up for this years “conference season” a series of BDSM events that runs from January to May each year, with an event occurring nearly every weekend.

“My regimen involves working with sleep deprivation and cross training for late night play party stamina,” says Moorks. “You need to be able to party well into the night, say 3:00 am and still be up for 8:00 classes. With enough training, a good diet, and plenty of vitamins, you can easily get by on 4 or 5 hours of sleep.”

Part of the ritual is seeing old friends, and Moorks has been working on developing his networking skills as well as taking seminars in “small talk” and reducing his social anxiety.

“I am not always comfortable in groups, so things like mixers and meet and greets are tough for me, but I am working on it.”

Moorks hopes to present someday, so he plans to take “lots of notes” on other peoples classes and hopes to “recycle them into something interesting but not recognizable as stolen from others.”

Photo credit: Fausto Fernos CC: SA NC

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