Dominant Issues Apology for “Hurtful Remarks”



Dominant and Master Willard Droggert, 32, is in hot water after berating his slave at The Hell Pit, Walla Walls’s BDSM dungeon and kinky sex shop.  As part of his scene, Droggert repeatedly insulted his slave calling her “worthless” and “stupid.”

Heather Montgomery, 20, found the scene to be offensive and “very, very triggering.”  Montgomery said that when she heard the words worthless and stupid she “immediately began looking around the room for her mother” who frequently used those words to describe the submissive woman.

Droggert, knowing for his heavy humiliation scenes, has agreed to keep any name calling private and has issued an apology to Montgomery and to the local community.

Dungeon owner Sam Kipbert has implemented a system of white board placed outside each of the play stations at the Hell Pit where participants can issue “trigger warnings” so that dungeon members can avoid inadvertently being traumatized by other people’s behavior.

“It is a step in the right direction,” says Montgomery, “but wouldn’t it just be easier to have people not do the things that bother me?”

Photo credit: Axel Taferner CC: NC SA

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