Director Calls Film “Porn” to Escape Art Critics’ Wrath



Director Miles Trevor is firing back at critics who found his latest film Asian Slut Spanking Party 27 both “derivative” and “cliche” with David Denby of The New Yorker describing it as “a throwback to a time when Kubrick and Peckinpah ruled the roost, a nod to a better time in filmmaking which fulfills none of that time’s promise and embodies all of its flaws.”

The film, reportedly shot in just 5 hours in Trevor’s garage featured three models, each performing fellatio while a man in a leather mask paddled they bare asses with a large wooden paddle.

Richard Roper was one of the few critics to give the film a positive review.  “Hot models.  Serious spanking. Long and slow blow jobs.  What’s not to like?” he wrote in his Chicago Sun Times review.  But even Roper, who gave the film 4 out of 5 stars, was “disappointed in the cum shots.”

Entertainment Weekly reporter Lisa Schwartzman found the “reddening of the models’ asses totally unbelievable.  Spankings,” she wrote, “don’t cause that kind of rosiness.   Who are they trying to kid with that shit?  If you are going to use CGI in a film like this it has to work.  It has to be believable.  I believed the slutiness, but the punishment aspect was weak.  I never believed they were bad girls or that they even deserved their spankings.”

Trevor’s response was swift and direct.  “It’s porn.  There is nothing artistic about it.  It isn’t film.  It is something for guys to masturbate to.  I can’t believe people are taking it this seriously.  No one even blinked when we did ASSP 1 through 26.  Why now?”

Bruce Schreed, spokesperson for Artists for Family Values, disagreed.  “You can’t simply wish these things away.  Using porn as a cover for bad art is becoming an epidemic in this country.  People need to call this what it is:  art.  It may be bad art, but it is art nonetheless.  People have been hiding behind the word porn and it has to stop.”

Photo credit: Shawn Perez cc: by


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