BDSM Woman tells Harrowing Tale of “Life in a Cage”



Reports surfaced today after a 28 year old submissive woman complained about having to spend the night in a cage. According to her master and owner Fredrick Chomp, 48, the younger submissive, Alice Stren, had been “behaving badly, acting out, and forgetting her place.” The result was confinement in a large, steel cage for a period of more than 8 hours.

“It was awful,” said Stren, “the bars were cold and I couldn’t really move around and stuff, plus there was no way to pee.”

Robert Stringer, a volunteer worker who claims to speak for Amnesty International said he was “concerned that this kind of thing could be happening right here in our own backyard.  We think of caged women as something that happens in other far away places, like Canada or Milwaukee, but not here in Wheeling.”

Chomp says his slave always gets emotional after punishments, frequently threatening to go to the police or places like Amnesty International, but she “always comes around eventually.  She knows I know what is best for her.”

Initially, Stren had threatened lawsuits for emotional distress and false imprisonment, but backed down once Chomp handed her the phone to started to dial the number for the local police department.

Stringer told The Daily Flogger that “cages are for animals, not people.  Wait, that isn’t right.  No one belongs in cages, especially not animals. Except maybe criminals if they are being punished.  I guess that is like what is happening here. Now I am really confused.”

Calls to the main Amnesty International office yielded “no comment” other than to say they have no idea who Robert Stringer is.

Photo credit: Eric CC: by nc sa

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