Submissive Man Cuts and Pastes “Heartfelt Plea” for Last Time



Ignorant of the actual interests of women on popular kink social media website FetLife, an area man cut and pasted his form letter plea for female domination for the last time.

“I’ve been sending these personalized requests for domination to women on FetLife for over a year,” said submissive Charlie Whatts. “I either get negative or no response. You’d think someone would have responded favorably by now.”

Whatts’ technique of clicking on a profile photo, then sending a message in which he “personalizes” his request with the user name of the women, then pasting his letter has yielded a 1.2% positive response rate to date.

An excerpt from Mr. Whatts’ letter:

“I am writing to you because I am not sure what to do with myself. For the past year I have tried to live my life without a strict woman watching over me and have failed. Like most males I stay up too late, masturbate too often and keep my place messy. I am a bratty, rude and self-centered bad boy.”

Women contacted for this article had many things to say about Whatts’ message:

“I’m a submissive! I’m not even sure why this guy is contracting me!” said LadySub223.

“I’m a lesbian and I like spanking,” said Girl2Girl44D. “Why doesn’t this moron read my profile?

When asked why Whatts attempted to contact many women who were so clearly unqualified or uninterested in his advances, Whatts said, “I am looking for discipline and training. Although I know there may be some oral service and sexual punishments, I am not looking for intercourse. I have difficulty performing in that area and in the past have been forced to wear panties to remind me that I have a worthless penis.” This reporter did not ask why Whatts chose to ignore the question and simply respond with a canned answer.

Photo credit: Leslee Lazar CC: NC

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