BDSM Presenter Accused of Lying in Bio



Master Girk Levy, 32, has come under fire for what appear to be deceptive statements in his presenter’s bio at this year’s Local International Leather Celebration Fest.

Though he was a relative “unknown” organizers found his credentials and class ideas extremely impressive.

During the event, several attendees raised questions not only about Levy’s class material, which seemed to have been lifted from several other well known presenters, but also his biography which contained several falsehoods and including listing him as “A world famous neurosurgeon, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, and successor to his holiness the Dalai Lama.”

When asked to provide evidence of any of his claims, Levy told organizers that doing so would “out” him and potentially ruin his lucrative medical career and media celebrity.  He did produce a cocktail napkin with the words “Your Next” scribbled on it, signed “The Dali Lama.”

“We find it highly unlikely that the Dalai Lama would name his successor on a napkin and doubly unlikely that he would use such poor grammar in doing so or misspell his own name,” said Robert Cheek, one of the organizers.  “To be honest, we were blinded by what we thought was his celebrity.”

Levy admits to some “small exaggerations” but insists it is “no different than what everyone else does.”

Photo credit: GreenNetizen CC :NC

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