Jeff Jenkins Named “Everyone’s Daddy”



After 27 years in the lifestyle and 25 of those spent in the role of “Leather Daddy,” Jeff Jenkins has finally perfected the role.

“I have been working to develop a Daddy persona that will appeal to every single living human and I finally have it figured out,” Jenkins told The Daily Flogger.  The International Council of Leather Dominants agreed, awarding Jenkins the first ever title of “Everyone’s Daddy.”

“It was an easy decision,” Master Bruce McCord explained, “when you think Daddy, you think Jeff Jenkins.”

According to slave Kimberly, there may be a hidden agenda behind the ICLD’s move.

“It comes up every single year.  They absolutely hate it when people say ‘Who’s your daddy?’  So much so that they decided to do something about it.  Now when someone asks ‘Who’s your daddy?’ the answer is clear–Jeff Jenkins.”

Jenkins doesn’t see it as an issue. “It is no longer up for debate. I’m everyone’s daddy now, including slave Kimberly.”

photo credit: Silicon/e cc

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