Sister MissedHer (not her real name), a local submissive, has been fairly vocal on fringe social media site FetLife recently about her displeasure in her recent apathy scenes with her regular dominant and master, Sir Smacksalot (not his real name). “These scenes were so intense when we started them during the pandemic–on Zoom–but something has changed,” MissedHer told this reporter.
Smacksalot retorted, “When we started playing, apathy play was new and exciting. I used to plan out our scenes–where would I stand with my back to her, while I would be scrolling through on my phone during the scene–stuff like that. Once we started doing apathy play in person when the pandemic died down, I just couldn’t get into it like I did before.”
In the end, the lack of interest in apathy play took its toll onĀ MissedHer. “The problem really became obvious during aftercare. Normally we cuddle and it helps to bring me back and feel safe, but after our first in-person apathy scene he just ate cold pizza from the dungeon kitchen. Sure, he sat right next to me, but I could tell he was into that Dominos.”
When asked by this reporter to comment, SmacksalotĀ just grunted a noncommittal, “Meh.”
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